Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What a Year It's Been!!

Well, it's almost the end of the year, and being that it's cold, wet and dreary, photo shoots are coming to an end. I do have a few shoots to post coming in the next few weeks so keep an eye out for those :) This has been such a surprise year for me honestly. When I started thinking about doing Photography as a business, I never imagined I'd have the response I've had in such a short time! There are no words I can say to Thank You all for your love and support these last few months! I had my first photo shoot in August of this year, and it has been such a Blessing to get to know all of you and to know you Love what I do :) Honestly, I'm just starting out on the Business side and I can't believe this many of you have took a chance with me and allowed me to try and build up to where I hopefully want to be one day. Which is to have this as a full time gig...lol! I enjoy it so much and I know this has been said, but it's really not a JOB to me, it's a Love that began growing years ago with Mom taking me along as her sidekick!

I hope to learn some new things and put some new techniques into my style this year also, so be on the lookout for some special sessions and special offers coming up after the first of the year :) I will be offering some WINTER sessions to those of you who aren't afraid to brave the cold and guess on the weather with me...lol...I have a few ideas for some specific shoots I'd like to try during these cold months, so I will be announcing those as well. I'm just going to try something with a little different style and a little "moose" to it...lol (ALOT of you know what I mean by that) hehe, which really means, something fresh, funky and a little crazy/silly...LOL!

There are also some BIG changes coming up that I can't talk about quite yet, but some of you do know because I've been sooooo excited I had to tell a few people, hehe! But an announcement is coming around January 1st, 2009 so it's not much longer to hold it in...lol
Also, I will have a new website sometime after the first of the year. My web address will stay the same, just a different look. I am mainly changing because I loooove the layouts this company has (definitely more my style I think ;) and their rates are better than the company I am with now. So it's a Win-Win...hehe!! And I will be updating to a new Blog format with bigger photos and a much more professional look I think, so I can't wait to get all this started!

These next few months I am going to use as some time to put some new ideas and products together. I will also be scouting out new locations for this spring and working on my little home studio...It's nowhere near ready yet, but it's getting there ;) I'm also thinking of doing some landscape/nature shots this winter. I'd love to have a huge 24x36 to go on my kitchen wall :) If you are interested in a session, please contact me though, I am still taking appointments through the winter time. I just didn't want you all to think I'm taking time off from sessions :)

I know this has been really, really, reeeaaaallly long...haha...but I just wanted you all to know what you mean to me and what's coming up for Stephanie Bryan Photography this coming year!
I want to Thank My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for dying for me and my sins and blessing me beyond my wildest dreams. He is sooooo very GOOD!!!
I have to thank my wonderful family for sticking with me through the good and bad. Dan, you are what every girl dreams her husband will be like when she gets married. Granted, I want to pull your hair out sometimes, LOL...but seriously, I know the Lord made us for each other. There is no doubt in my mind! You're My Sweetheart, for Now and Always. And, to my little Kate Kate. You are a Blessing to top all Blessings in my life. You make this life full, fun, wonderful and AMAZING!!! You are Mommy's little princess ballerina :) I love you both!!!!

Thank you so much to all of you that have let me photograph you, commented me, told someone about me, cheered me on, or believed in me more than I believed in myself :)
Your love and support has meant more to me than I could ever tell you in words. It has warmed my heart and lifted my spirits, & for that I say, "I Love You and Thank You!!!"


Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Time is Here!

This is the GORGEOUS "W" Family, Eric and Stacy and their adorable 3 little ones :) Some of you may recognize those super cute kiddos from a shoot I did not too long ago that is posted a few posts back. I was thrilled when Stacy contacted me about doing their Christmas pictures for this year!! I have absolutely loved getting to know them and doing these shoots together :) They are every photographer's dream!! Thank yall soooo much for asking me to do this shoot with yall!!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

2008 Christmas Cards

I am super late in posting these, but I can't seem to find enough hours in the day...hehe...If you have had a session with me and would like to order some cards, let me know asap!! I really need any orders in and paid for pretty quickly. My lab is super fast, but I know you'll need time to get them out in the mail :) If you're interested, email me or contact me through my website so we can get you some custom cards for everyone to oooh and ahhhh at...hehe!
I can not change colors or patterns. The only thing I can change is the "saying" and your names, (space permitting). So, contact me if you have a question about one :)

The prices are as follows:
You must order at least 25 cards. After 25 you can choose the exact number you need. So if you need a certain number between 25 and 100, I can do that for you :)
They are $1.25 each including an envelope for each one. They are sized as 5x7's also.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some Fun, Fall, & Football!

ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! lol...I am absolutely LOOOOVING doing these shoots for all my fellow Bama Fans!! This family is the "T" family! They are such a hoot and so easy to just hang out with and talk to. We got together on a GREAT fall afternoon to shoot some pictures for a Christmas present for a very special lady :) They all have such a wonderful spirit and it really shows!
I soooo enjoyed doing this shoot with yall and I hope I get to help capture more memories for you all soon!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

My New Favorie # is: 8!!!

Let me just tell yall how much FUN this day was with these kiddos!! I had the best time...I tell ya, this doesn't even feel like a job at all ;) They were full of energy and it was all "cheeses" for the silly lady with the camera, lol!! I think they did a fantastic job and I hope I get the chance to photograph them again soon! Thanks to you Mom's and Grandma for making those sweet faces light up...Yall are a beautiful family and I am so glad I got to know you! Here is yall a BIG sneak peek...hehe!!
Oh yea...I forgot...ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!! LOL!!

I also wanted to give a BIG, HUGE THANK YOU to Jim and Beverly for letting us do our shoot at your beautiful home...Yall are THE BEST!!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Where Does the Time Go?

I can't believe Miss J is a Senior :( Time just absolutely flies! I graduated with her oldest brother, Joshua, (or JACKSON as we called him, lol) almost 10 years ago...whew, that's been a while, lol...and that is how i met this awesome bunch! She's such a sweet, lovely, Christian girl and I'm so honored that her and her wonderful family chose me to do her Sr. Pictures :) Katie just looooves her to pieces and so do Dan and I! I hope you like your sneak peek Miss J, (and family, hehe)!!


Thanks for Checking Out My Blog!

I just wanted to drop a little line to say Thank you for checking out my Blog. I hope you enjoy the sneak peeks I will be posting from my sessions and keeping a check on me from time to time! If you would like information on a session, please email me at sbryanphotography@yahoo.com!

Also, you can subscribe to my blog and be notified of when I post a new entry. I will be offering specials online occasionally, so definately add me to your favorites :-)!!

Copyright Info! Please Read!

Thank you so much for coming by my blog! Go ahead, Have a Look around! All the pictures in my blog are property of Stephanie Bryan Photography, Stephanie Bryan, Owner .Please do not print, save them to your computer or download them. Thank you so Much!


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